Ember Deflector--Protects Lives and Property
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Effective Ember & Fire Protection

When it comes to ember and fire protection, Ember Deflector Systems provides you with a broad products & services.

Ember Deflector Vent Protection System

This system protects the vents scattered throughout the home that make the home vulnerable to fire, such as wildfires, neighboring structure fires, and fires due to earthquakes or other natural disasters. Our system works by closing off existing vents around the home.

The different types of vents that are protected are eave vents, gable end vents, dormer vents, and soffit vents, as well as foundation vents. This system is easily installed by a contractor or do-it-yourself package that you can order from us. Coming in October 2014 Ember Deflector Ten will offer users the ability to close their ember deflectors for a smart phone, tablet or computer from anywhere in the world.

Ember Deflector - Fire Damage

Protect Your Home & Property

Roof and foundation vents are required by building codes to prevent the buildup of moisture and regulate temperature in attics and crawlspaces. Fire professionals estimate that upwards of 80% of homes that catch fire during a wildfire are because of embers, not from contact by the flames themselves.

Vents are penetrated by airborne embers and start fires in these places. Smoke and storm winds and rain can be deflected also. Building codes state that vents cannot be permanently blocked so protect your vents with the reusable Ember Deflector System.